If your business can’t afford to shell out a ton of cash upfront, leasing and financing a skid steer is an option. Many equipment manufacturers offer cabs with HVAC packages, filtered pressurized air and heated seats for operator comfort.
A wide variety of attachments can be added to skid steers, and auxiliary hydraulic systems with high-flow power can operate complex attachments like mulchers and augers. These machines are used for snow removal, agriculture, demolition and construction projects.

Equipment Leasing and Financing
With financing, you can purchase a skid steer without draining your company’s cash reserves. Leasing allows you to pay in installments, aligning your payments with the natural ebb and flow of your business revenue. This can be a big advantage for landscaping businesses that experience seasonal income fluctuations.
Buying a skid steer can be a major upfront cost, and it can also depreciate quickly. Additionally, as newer models come out, the value of your skid steer may decrease in comparison.
Charter Capital provides equipment leasing and financing for many types of skid-steer loaders and other construction vehicles. Our primary goal is to see your business grow and succeed. We can help you make the most of your equipment investment, allowing you to increase your capacity and get more work done.
Parts & Service
Equipment manufacturers engineer machinery to efficiently perform identified tasks. Heavy machines with blades on steel tracks are ideal for leveling hills and pushing debris into piles; they’re called bulldozers. However, a compact track loader — or skid steer, as it’s commonly known — is ideally suited for nimbly scooping and dumping relatively small bucketfuls of dirt, to blow or blade snow, to broom-clean a parking lot, or transfer a hay bale from the feedlot to the barn. You can find various equipment from The Red Barn Guy.
As you shop for a skid steer, look for one with an intact hydraulic system. Hydraulic oil and pumps are the lifeblood of a loader, so be sure that any machine you’re considering has these vital components in good condition. Pay special attention to the auxiliary hydraulic systems, which power attachments such as blowers and augers. If you’re considering a skid steer with a high-flow auxiliary hydraulic system, it should provide up to 25 gallons per minute (gpm), which is sufficient for most attachments.
JCB skid steers are among the most versatile machines on the market, combining strength and durability to get the job done. Their smallest model boasts a radial lift path that makes it ideal for dumping over walls. The company’s larger models are well-suited to heavy construction projects. Their engines are Tier 4 compliant and deliver a superior horsepower-to-operating capacity ratio.
Other reliable brands include Bobcat and Caterpillar. Both offer a variety of attachments to suit different projects, including backhoes and pallet forks. Caterpillar offers a wider range of models than Bobcat, and it provides high-performance skid steers for tough jobs.
New Holland also makes skid steers, but their models hover around the industry average in terms of horsepower, operating capacity, and lift height. The brand is known for its reliability and good resale value. Its loaders are designed for a variety of applications and feature diesel fuel, which can provide more power and efficiency than gasoline.
Machinery Auctions
A skid steer loader is an essential piece of construction equipment for most work sites. These machines are equipped with attachments that make them versatile tools for digging, lifting, and transporting materials.
If you’re planning to purchase a skid steer, it’s important to know the specs and features of the different models available. It’s also helpful to determine your budget and what your loader will be used for. This will help you narrow down your options and focus on the models that meet your needs and your budget.
Many skid steer loaders use diesel engines and must be inspected and maintained regularly. The EPA’s tiered regulations have forced older loaders to be retrofitted with emissions technologies. When shopping for a used skid steer, ask the seller for detailed inspection reports and maintenance records to gauge how well it has been maintained. These records will help you determine the fair market value of a used skid steer loader.